Press release: Japan abandons climate change measures (July 17, 2015)
Japan abandons climate change measures 26% reduction in emissions (compared with 2013 levels) by 2030 is not a
Japan abandons climate change measures 26% reduction in emissions (compared with 2013 levels) by 2030 is not a
G7 puts the end of fossil fuels on the global agenda, now for more action to get us there FOR IMMEDIATE RELEAS
(日本語はこちら) Abe Government set to waste lives, money and jobs with poor climate plan Monday June 8, 2015 –
Japan gets THREE fossil of the awards at Bonn Climate Conference June 4th, 2015 Three strikes and you’re out!
April 30
“A 20% reduction in GHGs compared to 2013 levels” is unacceptable! Japan must reduce emissions 40-50% compared
On July 2nd 2014, CAN-Japan held “United Nations Climate Change Bonn Conference Debriefing Meeting: The
Joint Press Release by Japanese NGOs Japanese Government should withdraw the 2020 emission increase target and